This is the best bust of President Hinckley that is currently in existence. I am not only saying that because Kraig Varner who sculpted it is a Main Street Art artist, but also because it's absolutely true. He did a pristine job!
As I came into work this morning it was a chilly 10 degrees. As cold as I felt I'm sure I felt better than the bronzes (Although they looked amazing!).
If you ever wondered what you would look like if you spent the night in subzero weather without your tent and sleeping bag my guess is you would look something like this.
I love the way the sun hits the frost and creates a highlight around the bronze. I think the bronzes look beautiful in this weather!
I hope you all had a great holiday break. I am excited to be back and looking towards the new year. I am planning on posting more regularly this year. I plan to post more of my recent sculpture, more work of the talented artists I work with, more of my own photography, more of EVERYTHING!